
The 7 week- Intuitive Soul Awakening Course 

New Co-hort starting July 2024


It's all about YOU...

Four years ago, I was where you are. Knowing deep down that I was intuitive and feeling drawn to all things spirituality but feeling completely confused on what that means and how to actually experience it. You are receiving sign after sign from the Universe that something needs to change. You know you can 'tap into' energy and have always felt 'a bit different' and maybe a touch of 'too sensitive'. 

You've followed the IG spiritual gurus, listened to the podcasts, collected books on meditation and chakras, and still feel like "Why doesn't my life FEEL any different, yet?" or "Why are my Spirit Guides ghosting me?" or maybe, "Why are my manifestations not manifesting?"....

The reason is, your spiritual journey is meant to be EXPERIENCED not something you read about from others. The answers, the guidance, the instant manifestations, fluid conversations with your Spirit Guides, downloads and channeling your Higher self is a YOU experiencing you journey. 

That's why this 7 week course is so different form the others...

You will finally EXPERIENCE your spiritual gifts and learn how to EMBODY that divine magic in your daily life. This isn't guru teaching. That's the old paradigm and lame.

It's always been about YOU. Babe, it's time to claim it✨

Unlock your spiritual gifts...

Channel your intuition and spirit guides

Learn how truly MAGICAL life is when you allow your INTUITION to be your north star




 Listen I can write a whole bunch of "If this sounds like you then" statements but truthfully AWAKEN is right for you only if you are SOOO ready to stop wishing you could 'trust your intuition' or 'talk with your guides' and tired of the B.S. narrative that 'YOU COULD NEVER TRUST YOURSELF" or "I AM AFRAID I WILL GET EVERYTHING WRONG". It's time to let that go... Everyone is going out on a limb here and following their gut. 

I know it's scary but also exciting, right? Like, what if this changes your life? Because it can. It's all about you, babe, honestly. How ready are you to change how you interact with life? If you know you're intuitive (and you know you are) then come on in.

I won't convince you of anything, because you are WAYYYY too powerful of a being for me to do that. You've just got to remember that for yourself.


The Intuitive & Spiritual Development Course


It's my MAGIC sauce that I seasoned this WHOLE course with 


  • Talking to your Spirit Guides, Angels, Soul, and loved ones on the other side will be a normal everyday occurrence for you after you dive into AWAKEN

  • You will level up with this exciting 7-week course! We're talking 7 weeks of recorded video lessons, downloadable meditations & pdfs, and LIVE Q&A sessions EACH WEEK on Tuesdays 7pm est to connect with your newly found spiritual bff's and me. 

  •  You are also receiving a whole month of continued support and communication after the 7 weeks to really soak up everything you've learned and incorporate it into your life. And don't worry, you won't be doing it alone. There will be 2 bonus Q&A community calls after the 7 weeks.

    This is taking the MEAT & POTATOES of my 1:1 spiritual mentorships. Wrapped up into a group spiritual container, that will knock your Muggle socks off and connect you to your spiritual tribe. 


You will learn so much this week about AMPLIFYING your energetic field, so that tapping into your psychic energy will be a breeze. You will learn about: chakras, your energy body, how to run energy, and how to expand into the spiritual realms.


This week you will nail down how YOU receive intuitive & psychic energy by turning on & activating your 'clairs'. You experience how to amplify & apply your intuitive channel.


This week is the one you've been waiting for! You will connect into your Spirit Guides ( yes, actually connect) and your Guardian Angel. You will also learn how to create a clear channel to communicate with your spiritual team day to day.


Again, it's all about YOU and this week is dedicated to connecting to your Higher self & soul energy. You will experience the energetic frequency of your Higher self & how to anchor your own guidance into your day. Also, we will briefly touch on the Akashic Records & how to access them. 


Time to put in some practice, this week you will learn how to conduct a basic intuitive reading with your classmates. You will learn how to call in another's energy and how to use your spiritual gifts to deliver messages. 


If you are interested in mediumship, this week will be fun. You will learn & practice the basics of a mediumship reading. How to 'open up' energetically and deliver messages that are healing & evidential.


Wrapping up the course, we will end with the most important part 'EMBODIMENT'. This week will be used to answer any questions and also go over how to apply your intuition & spiritual connections to your daily life. This includes manifestation & healing. 

What's holding you back? If I can be FRANK (sorry frank)... 

Everything is waiting & responding to YOU. You know there's a reason you want to learn more, but you've put yourself on the back burner. You are not a back burner gal. You should be the left front burner on that stove. It's time to take your place & take up space. (I hope that whole stove analogy made some sense 😂)

I'm here to CHAMPION you, in trusting yourself. That is what this whole life is about. Remembering who you are & following it ferociously.

After AWAKEN you will:

  • Have a clear practice to connect into your Spiritual team daily
  • Be accessing your Higher Self & soul guidance to align yourself with your highest timeline.
  • Know exactly how to 'turn up the heat' on your spiritual abilities & how Spirit communicates with you
  • No longer sit in self-doubt wondering 'Can I do this?' and finally have your answer
  • Stop handing over your power to everyone else & know how to co-create and manifest your life
  • Understand how to 'trust' and flow while giving intuitive or mediumship readings and be a channel of healing

You will have a new group of spiritual friends (the people I have met in courses & retreats are still BIG players in my life now) and have a space that is NO ego or B.S. 

You won't be the same, I promise.



When you join my 7-week online course, you'll be welcomed into a community of like-minded individuals who are all on a journey of spiritual growth and intuitive development. Throughout the course, you'll receive personalized support and guidance to help you unlock your full potential and connect with your intuition.

  • Live Q&A sessions - weekly meetups to keep you on track and supercharge your gifts. You'll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions, share your experiences, and receive on-message energy transmissions that are tailored to your unique needs.
  • VOXER for 7 weeks-  to make sure you always have someone to turn to, you'll have access to me as a continuous support. I'll be there to answer your questions, provide guidance, and offer encouragement whenever you need it.
  • Dedicated weeks of practice & application- You'll be paired up with different partners to practice readings and put all that you've learned into practice. It's a fun and supportive environment where you'll be able to grow and develop your gifts alongside your classmates.
  • Community- Speaking of classmates, you'll be joining a small group community of soul-aligned individuals who are all committed to helping each other succeed. This community is here to support and uplift you every step of the way, and you'll have the opportunity to make lifelong connections with like-minded individuals who share your passion for spiritual growth.

BONUS: An EXTRA month of support with VOXER and 2 more 'meetups' on Zoom- to ask questions, connect, and integrate


Hi, I'm Laila and I am a recovered 'I COULD NEVER TRUST MYSELF' closeted intuitive and retired 'ENERGY VAMPIRE' slayer...

Let me explain 😊🤣


In 2020, I was totally lost on what my soul path was. I didn't even think in those terms, I just knew I was overwhelmed and also felt a lot of energy.  After a traumatic tooth extraction in 2018, that opened up my ability to see and feel spirit, I began on the path of understanding 'What is Intuition, Spirit Guides, and Psychic abilities?" and that's led me here to YOU

I have worked with 100's of woman connecting to their Akashic Records, spirit guides, soul purpose, healing, and loved ones on the other side. I was able (with the guidance of my soul & spirit guides) able to leave my night shift RN job and go full time as a spiritual mentor & reader. I channel The Akashic Records, energy healing, and Spirit guides by learning how to use my intuition and healing self-limiting beliefs. This took me from feeling a victim to my life and easily manipulated to feeling empowered & aligned with my soul's mission. I took a chance, that this whole 'energy' thing might be real and went for it.

I GEEK out on connecting YOU to your spiritual gifts. I remember, feeling so dang scared and afraid, that life would never get better. It wasn't until I learned how to my intuition sounded, how my guides were trying to connect, and how I uniquely received psychic energy did I finally GET IT.

WE ARE ALL PSYCHIC INTUITIVE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL bad asses (who maybe cry a little and still got to hold down the home front) 😂


 It's time to come out of the intuitive closet and share your gifts with PRIDE
I feel so emotional about the ending of this class. I loved connecting with Laila and my other classmates. Laila is so down to Earth; I feel like she's someone I would normally be friends with. 
I would recommend this course to anyone looking to understand their intuition. It was so amazing, when other people confirmed what I was receiving.  I was able to believe THIS IS REAL! I always knew it but needed to experience it
Laila randomly popped up in my Instagram feed last fall and I was so hooked on listening to all of the information and insight she provided. She is an amazing teacher

Amy- AWAKEN 2023

This course has been an investment in me and towards living my higher purpose.  I felt a bit stuck before starting the course, a bit unsure and really wanted to understand more about the spirit world and how it all worked and how I could work with my guides.  I feel like my mind is a very busy one and goes in a million different directions and I wanted to be able to quiet it and work on more important things.  I feel like the course has given me the tools to do so.  I have made little breakthroughs along the way in the course and hope to continue the momentum as I get back to my everyday life. 

I trust myself more and feel like I will be able to uncover my purpose and work more closely with my guides going forward.  

-Desa AWAKEN 2023

The course is phenomenal! From the first day to the last, Laila guides her students through the course and is able to adjust the lesson based on what she feels her students need.  She is able to feel into the energy and make fine tweaks to ensure every student gets the most from the lesson. Laila’s ability to articulate and adapt proves she is a natural teacher and extremely gifted. 
Now that the course is complete, I wish it would start all over again! The “ah-ha” moments of knowing what certain feelings mean and leaving the lessons fulfilled brought such happiness. 
I have noticed a huge shift in who I am both internally and externally. I am more in-tune with how I can use my intuition and guides to help me navigate through life.
I have a spiritual foundation to build upon and have finally found a community of like-minded people.  I am learning how to live in the present, not holding onto programs, and  worry about what the future will bring. 

If Laila pops up in your IG feed, it is for a reason. Don’t second-guess taking the course. If you don’t take it, you will regret it. It's worth every penny and every minute of your time! Follow your heart, do something life changing for yourself!

- Rebecca AWAKEN 2023

Normally, I’m not one to speak up in a group, but with Laila and my classmates, I felt empowered to share my truth without fear. They created such a supportive space.

This course is truly a sanctuary to explore your soul and rediscover your gifts. It builds confidence and love for parts of yourself overshadowed by daily life and ego.

Every session with Laila and the group was something I looked forward to. If you're feeling disconnected or drained, this class is a game-changer. And if you're curious about spirituality, it's a safe space to learn and grow.

Personally, I uncovered a deeper connection to spirit than I ever thought possible. I started noticing signs and messages I would have missed before. Plus, I learned to communicate with my spirit guides and archangels, which brought me even closer to myself.

The best part? This class helped me let go of fear of the unknown. Now, I face it with confidence and curiosity


Delaney- AWAKEN 2023

Before this course, I was pretty lost between my intuition and just my regular thoughts. But after completing Laila's program, I feel like I've woken up to a whole new level of awareness about my inner voice. The name 'Awaken' couldn't be more fitting because that's exactly how you feel at the end of it.

Laila's energy is incredibly healing; it sets the tone for such a comfortable environment where we all felt safe to be ourselves right from the start. She's so compassionate and respectful, which really helped us tap into our intuition and spiritual side. Personally, I've finally confirmed what I suspected for years – that I have the gift of mediumship. And it's all thanks to the practical exercises and practice sessions in the course. They were not only fun but also boosted my confidence in trusting my intuition.

I can't stress enough how much this course has changed me. Laila is truly a gift, and this course reflects that. And the price? Totally worth it. I got way more than what I paid for – knowledge, inner peace, awareness, and even a support system. I've already recommended it to others and will continue to do so enthusiastically

-Tori AWAKEN 2023


🤍This is YOUR sign to go for it